
Our school governors are a team who work closely with the executive headteacher and senior leaders to make key decisions vital to the successful running of the school. The governors appoint the executive headteacher and whilst the executive headteacher has responsibility for leading and managing the school on a day-to-day basis, the governors help make decisions that directly affect the education and well-being of the children through support and challenge. Governors play an important role in improving standards throughout the school, monitoring performance and approving the school budget. The governing body is ultimately accountable for the performance of the school and it is a very meaningful role.

As a governing body we possess skills and experience which we use to support the executive headteacher, providing a sounding board for their innovative ideas, challenging them to perform at their absolute best and supporting them in a demanding role.

The Governing Body consists of foundation governors (appointed by the Diocese), parent governors (elected by the parent community), staff governors (elected by the school staff) and a local authority governor (appointed by Isle of Wight Council). Each governor serves a term of 4 years.

All governors meet together every term at meetings of the Full Governing Body. Each governor also sits on one of the committees, which also meet every term. 

The governors are always willing to discuss any issues with members of the school community, and we can be contacted through the school office.


Richard Knowles

Chair of Governors
