Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)

As a school community, we are here to help make a positive difference for those children who most need it. We strive to support all children to enable them to achieve excellence.

It is important that we identify your child’s needs. At Newport CE, special educational needs are appropriately supported in class and, if needed, through intervention. We aim to work in partnership with parents, families, outside agencies, feeder pre-schools, and secondary schools.

Our Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCo) is Mrs Lisa Nicolson She can be contacted via the school office. 



SEND Information Report

This document is to inform you of the types of support available for your child in our school. It will help you understand who can help and how this support can be accessed. To read our SEN Information report, click here.



SEND Policy

Click here  to read our SEND policy.